Contents > 4 The SDMetrics User Interface > 4.9 The View 'Design Comparison' > 4.9.2 Metric Deltas Table

4.9.2 Metric Deltas Table

This tab presents the metric deltas in a table. The table is organized in the same way as the metric data table view (see Section 4.4 "The View 'Metric Data Tables'"): design elements by row, metrics by column. In the metric columns, positive metric deltas indicate how much the metric value for the design element has increased in the second design, negative metric deltas indicate how much the metric value has decreased. Increased and decreased values are also highlighted by colors (green for increased values, red for decreased values). You can change these colors to your preferences, see Section 4.16.4 "Appearance".

For non-numerical metrics, the metric columns show the metric values for the second design. The value is preceded by a "=" if the metric value is unchanged from the first design, or a "#" if the metric value has changed. Changed values are also indicated by the color red.

When comparing designs, we will usually have elements in the first design that have been deleted in the second design, and elements added to second design that were not present in the first design. In the "Name" column, added and deleted elements are indicated by their color (green for added elements, red for deleted elements). The last column "AD_Status" also shows the status of each element: A for added, D for deleted, and empty for elements present in both designs. Use this column to sort elements by their status, and to identify the element status when exporting the table data to a file.