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The Software Design Metrics tool for the UML

SDMetrics Default Project Files for UML1.x/2.x


SDMetrics Project


This set of project files contains the default SDMetrics metamodels for UML1.3/1.4 and UML2.x, and the default XMI transformation files and metric definition files that ship with SDMetrics and are documented in the user manual.

You can use these files as a basis to define custom meta models, XMI transformations, metrics and rules of your own.

This version of the default project files sets can be used with SDMetrics V2.0 and later.


metamodel.xmlDefinition of the SDMetrics default metamodel for UML1.x
metamodel2.xmlDefinition of the SDMetrics default metamodel for UML2.x
metamodel.dtdDTD for metamodel definition files.
xmiTrans1_0.xmlXMI transformations for XMI1.0 files and UML1.x models.
xmiTrans1_1.xmlXMI transformations for XMI1.1/1.2 files and UML1.x models.
xmiTrans2_0.xmlXMI transformations for XMI2.x files and UML2.x models.
xmiTrans.dtdDTD for XMI transformation files.
metrics.xmlDefinition of the design metrics, rules, relation matrices for UML1.x models.
metrics2.xmlDefinition of the design metrics, rules, relation matrices for UML2.x models.
metrics.dtdDTD for metric definition files.

Revision History

v2.3627/Oct/2018Improved import of 'Canonical XMI' files.
v2.3103/Jul/2013Improved import of suppliers for "Realization" and "Substitution". Added metrics for UML2 sequence diagrams.
v2.319/Mar/2012Added Support for UML2.4: LiteralReal, revised OccurrenceSpecification, ExecutionOccurrenceSpecification, DestructionExecutionSpecification
v2.224/Feb/2011Corrected metric "DepIn" for components, extraction of "Realization" and "Substitution" elements for some XMI exporters
v2.1316/Aug/2010 Revised treatment of UML2 ports. Fixes problems reading UML2 models with ports as exported by several UML tools.
v2.1218/Apr/2009 Added Support for UML 2.2: New action StartObjectBehaviorAction. Note that other changes to the UML2.2 metamodel such as ComponentRealizations having more than one realizingClassifier, new 'result' output pins for Clear/WriteStructuralFeatureAction etc. will be recognized by the v2.04 project files.
You only need to update if you use StartObjectBehaviorActions in your models and need them reflected by the metrics/design rules.
v2.120/Apr/2008 Updated metrics.dtd for relation matrix row/column conditions.
v2.0415/Oct/2006 Added support for UML 2.1 (packagedElements, ComponentRealizations, ReduceActions, ReceiveSignalEvents and ReceiveOperatorEvents).
v2.0326/Mar/2006 UML2 meta model elements "interaction" and "collaboration" now inherit from class and can thus own attributes. Fixes problems with lifeline-related metrics for some UML tools.
v2.0219/Mar/2006 Replaced UML Namespace "UML:" with "uml:" in XMITrans2_0.xml to account for the fact that most XMI2.x exporters use the lowercase namespace prefix.
v2.0127/Oct/2005 Fixed bug in xmiTrans2_0.xml reading Fork nodes as FlowFinal nodes in activity graphs.
  • Added UML2.0 and XMI2.x metamodel, XMI transformation, and metric definitions.
  • Small revisions to the set of UML1.x metrics and rules.
  • Added extensive descriptions for metrics and rules, glossary, literature references.
  • Added support for ObjectFlowState, CallState, ActivityState, SubmachineState, Stubstate in UML1.x models.
  • Fixed reading of stimulus sender/receivers from attributes in XMI1.1 files.
  • Added the "Martin Metrics" for packages
  • Added Diagram metrics for MetaMill.
  • Updated to SDMetrics V1.3 meta model
  • Added design rules to metrics.xml
v1.1112/May/2003Added Diagram metrics for Embarcadero Describe 5.
  • Added diagram-specific metrics; replaced the separate project file sets for Unisys Integrate XMI export and MagicDraw.
  • Added definitions of relation matrices.
V1.0115/Jan/2003Fixed a problem with reading SignalEvents and TimeEvents.
V1.031/Dec/2002Initial release.

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