SDMetrics home page
The Software Design Metrics tool for the UML

About SDMetrics

SDMetrics is developed and distributed by Jürgen Wüst. Jürgen is a software engineer located in Zellertal-Harxheim, a tiny village in the southwest of Germany, near Mannheim and Kaiserslautern. Jürgen received his Masters Degree (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern in 1997. From 1997 to 2001 he was a researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Kaiserslautern, doing applied research in the areas of software measurement, software product evaluation, and object-oriented development techniques. Jürgen is currently working as a freelance software engineer, with an emphasis on custom/proprietary Java frameworks for distributed enterprise information systems.

SDMetrics was first released in December 2002.

Press releases

SDMetrics logo

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Further information

Contact Jürgen Wüst if you need any further information or materials.